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Lifestyle | Yoga

Slow and Steady…

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Lifestyle, Yoga

For the last year or so, whenever I can, I haven been doing “warm up” cardio sessions before my yoga practice—usually a short spin class on my Peloton. I find that it’s easier to explore the poses more deeply and really work on flexibility if my body is already hot.

So, yesterday I went for a “warm up” run for the first time since last year. I’m not a huge runner, but I do enjoy it. I just try to avoid running outside as Austin is notorious for allergies. The fact that I had to stop a few times to finish 1.5 miles was hard on my ego, because I used to run a lot more, and 1.5 miles used to be nothing. 

But, I decided to run again today, but this time, leave my expectations at home, and jog slowly instead. It went much more smoothly. Sure, I was running slowly, but I didn’t stop, and I got done faster because of it. It was easier to finish, too. And it was way more fun.

While I was running, I had the thought, “Slow and steady wins the race.” and I realized it was so true, for more than just running. Life is better lived with intention. There is no race to the finish line. Heck, there is no finish line. But if you offer yourself the opportunity to slow down, you’ll be able to really see what you need and what you want, and you’ll be able to obtain those goals a lot more enjoyably than if you try to force an end result that isn’t what was meant to be. 

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