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Never Have I Ever…Self-Sabotaged

Never Have I Ever…Self-Sabotaged

You have a good routine. You're consistent. Things are feeling good. You're in "the flow." You're showing up in a way that you're proud of--and kicking butt. And then....you hear it: "You don't know...

Why Compartmentalizing Emotion Doesn’t Work

Why Compartmentalizing Emotion Doesn’t Work

We do it all the time. We place things in boxes, in hopes that one doesn't "spill over" to the next, with the thought that if something is "off" at work, it won't affect home life. Or, if things are...

The Antidote to Fear

The Antidote to Fear

I know what it looks like now. But just start.Lin-Manuel Miranda At one point or another, we all face some degree of overwhelm.  There’s so much to do, and it feels like you haven’t the...