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On Being Unproductive

Do you ever have moments (or days, or weeks) where you wind up thinking, “What a waste of time! I mean, what did I actually do that was productive???” For a lot of goal-oriented people, this is our reality. But sometimes, it’s ok that your day was spent doing nothing....

Craving Change

I used to be afraid. As a child, I was told to be quiet, not to create any attention towards me, to be unseen. I was told that my job was to do well in school, and nothing else. Friends were discouraged. Boys? Absolutely not. I don’t remember being praised for...

Who Gets a Seat at Your Table?

I have found, as I gain experience day by day in life, that what happens to and for you is often the direct result of not only your mindset, but the mindset of those around you. It’s much more difficult to accomplish a goal in a negative, toxic environment than...