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Coaching | Leadership

How to Stay Positive in a Toxic Work Environment: The Art of Creating Positive Change

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Coaching, Leadership

In the hustle and bustle of the business world, the atmosphere can sometimes become a tad too negative. This can be quite a challenge, especially if you are an employee who is sincerely trying to maintain a positive work environment.

The Impact of a Positive Work Environment: By the Numbers

Before diving into the strategies, let’s look at some statistics that highlight the importance of a positive work environment:

  • According to a study by the University of Warwick, happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity, while unhappy workers were 10% less productive.
  • Gallup found that organizations with a highly engaged workforce are 21% more profitable, and positive work environments can reduce employee turnover by up to 59%.
  • A report by the American Psychological Association found that a positive work environment can save companies an estimated $500 billion annually due to reduced absenteeism and improved performance.

So, how can you foster a positive work environment when surrounded by negativity? This article delves into practical ways to stay buoyant and pave the way for positivity in a toxic work environment.

Be the Change You Want to See

As the famous saying by Mahatma Gandhi goes, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” This holds true even within the confines of your workplace. Sometimes, it starts with just one person taking the initiative. Be that employee who is sincerely trying to maintain a positive work environment. Engage in positive conversations, offer help to colleagues, and steer clear from office gossip. Your positive energy can be contagious.

Cultivate Personal Resilience Through Self Actualization

How to be positive at work in a negative environment often boils down to how you view your world.  In any undesired situation, we have the opportunity to change how we see it.  Create awareness for your own thought errors and mindset blocks.  Learn to identify similar blocks in others and meet them with compassion.  Shift from reacting to responding in those situations so that you create more ease and less stress.  For example, recognizing your manager’s tendency to micromanage might help you understand why you or those you’re leading feel disempowered or disengaged.  To mitigate that, you may encourage your team in other ways, share your gratitude for the contributions that may otherwise go unrecognized, or model self-compassion and lead by example.  Your decision to not allow your leadership to be a negative reflection of your superior’s can be powerful, empowering, and highly influential in shifting the energy of the office to a more positive one.  Plus, your stress levels will decrease because you’re no longer perceiving things as stressful, but rather, as an opportunity to be the best version of yourself.  Learning to do this is greatly facilitated through podcasts on leadership, books, or coaching.

Build a Support Network

Creating a positive work environment can be easier when you’re not doing it alone. Identify colleagues who share your goal of positivity and build a support network. Encourage each other, share experiences, and brainstorm ideas on how to bring about positive changes.

Communicate Constructively

Effective communication is key in creating positive work environment changes. Express concerns about the negative atmosphere to management in a constructive manner. Offer suggestions and be willing to be part of the solution. Encourage open communication among team members to address issues head-on, rather than letting them fester.

Reward and Recognize

Recognition and rewards can go a long way in boosting morale. Encourage a culture where team members appreciate and acknowledge each other’s efforts. This creates a more cohesive team and can gradually transform the atmosphere.

Engage in Self-Care

Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is crucial. Engage in activities that make you happy and relaxed outside of work. This can be reading a book, exercising, or spending time with loved ones. When you are in a better mental space, it’s easier to tackle the challenges of a negative work environment.  This also facilitates placing value on your identity as a whole person, rather than just your job title or salary.

Positive Work Environment Ideas

In addition to the strategies mentioned above, here are some concrete positive work environment ideas that you can implement to foster a more harmonious and productive atmosphere:

  • Encourage a Harmonious Integration of Personal and Professional Life

Ditch the idea that work is not a part of life, and that it needs to be balanced.  Instead, promote a culture that values both personal and professional aspects of life, and facilitate integrating them with ease and flow. For example, encourage employees to take time off when sick, and discourage excessive overtime. This leads to happier, more engaged, and less stressed employees. 

  • Create a Comfortable Physical Space

The physical environment can have a significant impact on employees’ mood and productivity. Invest in comfortable furniture, ensure proper lighting, and create spaces where employees can relax during breaks.

  • Establish Team-building Activities

Regular team-building activities can foster camaraderie and a sense of belonging. This could be in the form of team lunches, outdoor activities, or simple games within the office. Start meetings by sharing one thing that made you laugh today, or close meetings with a short minute for breathing and reflection.  Celebrate the small wins as much as the big ones, and incorporate gratitude into everything you say and do.

  • Provide Professional Development Opportunities

Allow employees to grow by providing opportunities for professional development. This could be through workshops, courses, or allowing them to take on new, challenging projects.  You can even do a book club or podcast discussion.

  • Implement Open-Door Policy

Encourage an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and suggestions. This makes employees feel valued and heard, contributing to a more positive atmosphere.

  • Celebrate Achievements and Milestones

Whether it’s a team achievement or personal milestones like birthdays, take the time to celebrate. This builds a sense of community and shows employees that they are valued.

  • Encourage Creativity and Innovation

Allow employees to have a say in how they accomplish their tasks. Encouraging creativity not only leads to innovative solutions but also makes employees feel more invested in their work.

  • Foster Diversity and Inclusion

Create a diverse and inclusive environment where all employees feel welcome regardless of their background. This enriches the workplace culture and encourages collaboration and mutual respect.

Creating a positive work environment is an ongoing process that requires effort from everyone involved. By incorporating these positive work environment ideas and strategies, you can create a more productive, harmonious, and enjoyable workplace for all. Positivity breeds positivity. Be the catalyst for change, and lead the way in transforming your workplace into a haven for productivity and collaboration. Armed with these strategies and the knowledge of how critical a positive environment is for employees, you are well on your way to making a significant impact.

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