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Eco-Friendly Living | Lifestyle

A Practice of Saucha (Purification) for Your Mattress: How to Clean Your Sleeping Space

by | Mar 18, 2020 | Eco-Friendly Living, Lifestyle

Saucha is one of the niyamas (codes of personal conduct) of yoga. It means “purification” or “cleanliness.” It’s important to practice saucha as a part of a balanced and joyful life of wellness and inner peace.

Seema Desai, DDS

We wash our sheets, vacuum our carpets, scrub our showers and toilets. But how often do we actually show our mattresses some TLC? When we sleep, we sweat and shed countless skin cells. Some stays in the sheets, which get washed, but over time, a lot collects in the mattress itself. It is said that your mattress can double its weight because of sweat, dead skin and dust mites. Ew. This is a really easy way to help freshen your mattress and encourage healthy sleep by rewarding your body with a clean place to rest and rejuvenate. And, if you’re quarantined because you’re practicing social distancing (Thanks, COVID-19.), this is something that even the kids can help with to make use of the time we’ve been given at home. The recipe card is right here, but please make sure you read what’s written below it to get more insight and details. Happy spring cleaning!

Just couple of quick thoughts:

Do you need the essential oils to do this? NO. You can absolutely do this with plain baking soda and it will still help absorb odor (Baking soda works to neutralize the odors because it balances the pH from acidic to more basic.). Essential oils help with obviously scent, but more importantly, because they are anti-microbial.

Why do I specify Young Living essential oils? Well, you can buy “essential oils” pretty much anywhere, including corner pharmacies and big box stores. These aren’t pure or therapeutic-grade. Yes, Young Living is more of an investment than cheap off-brands, but the reason is that you are guaranteed the BEST quality–free from harmful impurities or fillers. If you choose to incorporate essential oils into your life (I use them for SO much stuff!) you want to be sure that it’s safe for you and your loved ones. Read more about YL’s Seed to Seal guarantee here.

And why did I pick lavender, lemongrass, and oregano? Short story: I ran out of Thieves–a major bummer in my house. Thieves is great for boosting immunity as it is a blend of many essential oils known for their antimicrobial properties. But, while I wait for my new bottle to arrive, I used lemongrass and oregano, as they are very effective as anti-bacterials and anti-fungals. It’s backed by research. Just look it up on PubMed. And the lavender is great for inducing sleep–so soothing and calming. I had to be careful that I didn’t use too much oregano. I didn’t want my mattress to smell like Italian food. But it turned out great. The oregano really added a slightly earthy, grounding element of smell when combined with the other two oils. My room smells like a spa!

Curious about essential oils? You can read about how I got introduced to them and why I use them here:

My Oily Journey

Getting Started with Young Living Essential Oils

Wanna know how to get your hands on some YL oils? Here’s the link. Make sure you sign up for Essential Rewards so you get points and get the freebies offered for the month. If you need help, just shoot me an email or DM on Instagram. Full disclosure: yes, I do get a commission on sales of each Premium Starter Kit of oils I sell. The earnings are small, but they help me keep this little space of mine going so I can provide more information and thoughts on wellness and mindful living to more people.

Practicing saucha doesn’t just stop at a clean mattress and sheets. Make sure your bedroom is free of clutter and carries an energy of calming. Guard your bedtime routine from things that are too exciting or thought-provoking. Your sleep is one of the key pieces to overall wellness and health. Without it, your mental health, physical health, and spiritual health suffer. This is something we really want to avoid, especially in these uncharted times of COVID. Do everything you can to find peace and wellness during this time.

As always, I hope you find this post useful and educational. Namaste.

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