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Ditch the Resolutions & Consider This Instead

by | Jan 22, 2022 | Lifestyle

As I write this, it is nearing the end of January.  Statistics show that most New Year’s resolutions have failed by now, and that upwards of 92% of all of them will have fizzled by February 1st.  (If you’re one of the many people who set resolutions each year, and are starting to feel some guilt, doubt, or self-judgement about how well you’ve held those resolutions, do me a favor.  Stop and take a few breaths.  You know what?  Stop and take a few breaths even if you’re not triggered. As my son says, it’s always beneficial to check-in with your breath.  When you’re ready, read on.)

Instead, try picking a WORD for the year. Focus on what you want to feel; what you want to be.  What do you want to create more of? What aligns with who you are spiritually and as a person? I have had clients pick things like fun, joy, ease, strength, positivity, and so on.  This year, my word is “impact.” 

Why is this effective? Many times, resolutions are “goal-focused,” meaning that there is a clear “fail” or “no fail.” It’s very black-and-white.  However, life is not so; there are infinite shades of grey in between, and no color is “bad” or “wrong.” So, why force yourself to box in what success looks like?

Thinking about things from this mindset allows a lot of freedom.  It encourages reflection and growth, rather than a hard “shut down” that can be experienced by falling off the proverbial wagon or not meeting the mark.

These types of mindset shifts are just one of the many aspects of performance-boosting exploration we focus on as my clients go through the COR.E Dynamics Program with me.  It is always so impactful (see what I did there?) to discover how these shifts can create such transformational results–sustainably!

Curious about COR.E Dynamics Coaching and whether it’s right for you?  Visit my Contact page and reach out to me!

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