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How to Shift from Time Poverty to Time Abundance

by | Feb 16, 2022 | Lifestyle

We’ve all been there.  We have scheduled things out, planned and organized, and despite our best efforts, things fall apart.  Plans change.  We have thoughts like, “How am I ever going to get this done?” “It just seems like a never-ending pile of stuff.” “How could I let this happen?” “When am I ever going to actually feel like I’ve got it together?” Then, there is my personal favorite: “I’m doing everything for everyone, and there just isn’t enough time to get it all done.”   Emotions come up as a result of these sorts of thoughts, leaving us feeling frustrated, exhausted, defeated, and in a constant state of lack.

This is a classic manifestation of something referred to as “time poverty.” It is something most of us fall to by default.  But it does not have to be a place where you live.  It does not have to be your accepted fate or reality.

Doing is effort; being is effortless.

Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching Foundational Principle

In order to shift from time poverty to time abundance, we must shift from DOING to BEING.  

What comes up for you as you read that last sentence?

How do “doing” and “being” differ for you?

How might shifting from doing to being create more space and ease in life?

Are you interested in learning more about effective ways to create time abundance or leveling up in general?  Book a coaching discovery call with me!

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