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Exploring Downward Dog

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Yoga

I had the pleasure of taking part in an inversion workshop. I learned so much, but at the base of it all, was how to engage the back in downward facing dog. Working on engaging these muscles correctly truly is the foundation for more advanced poses. As the yoga instructor stated multiple times, downward dog is over done and under taught. There is so much to this pose that is often dismissed as a beginners pose. If you’re new to yoga, or even if you’ve been practicing for years, I feel like it’s always a good idea to go back and re-examine how your body is in these foundational poses, so you can deepen your practice and explore deeper within yourself. Remember, your legs being straight isn’t the most important thing in setting this pose up. What matters is that you are stable in your palms, in your arms, shoulders, and in your back, engaging the muscles properly, so that eventually your legs become straight and your body becomes its own container. I feel like in the last picture with my legs straight, my back wasn’t set up for success the way it was when my knees were slightly bent in the picture previous. It’s a good reminder for me to go back and return to basics.

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