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The Entire Universe is Within You

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Yoga

When I first started practicing yoga, wheel pose seemed impossible for me. I just dismissed it as something that I would never be able to do. Thankfully, my mindset has grown over the years along with my flexibility. We all have that idea of something in our minds that we at some point perceived as impossible, or is something that will never be able to get to. This is why yoga is so much more than the formal practice of asana. In my opinion, yoga is about accepting where you are, being brave enough to choose to change and grow little by little, and allowing yourself grace to fall on the way. It’s about recognizing that there’s never a true finish line, rather only a beautiful work of art that is your life, and it’s up to you to mold it and shape it to its true form. Just because you accomplish a goal doesn’t mean that you stop. Rather, use the gratification attained from achieving that goal to drive you further, to set higher goals, and to explore yourself more deeply. The entire universe is within you. Be brave enough to go explore it!

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