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The Entire Universe is Within You

When I first started practicing yoga, wheel pose seemed impossible for me. I just dismissed it as something that I would never be able to do. Thankfully, my mindset has grown over the years along with my flexibility. We all have that idea of something in our minds...

Who Gets a Seat at Your Table?

I have found, as I gain experience day by day in life, that what happens to and for you is often the direct result of not only your mindset, but the mindset of those around you. It’s much more difficult to accomplish a goal in a negative, toxic environment than...

In Order to Grow, You Have to Let Go

Well, it’s officially autumn.  Well, not so much in Texas, but still.  I find that whenever seasons change, particularly in the fall, it often becomes a time for introspection.  Maybe it’s the fact that autumn signifies the end of the growth period....

Slow and Steady…

For the last year or so, whenever I can, I haven been doing “warm up” cardio sessions before my yoga practice—usually a short spin class on my Peloton. I find that it’s easier to explore the poses more deeply and really work on flexibility if my body is already hot....