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How To Create Lasting Lifestyle Changes

How To Create Lasting Lifestyle Changes

Your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your character, and your character becomes your destiny.Buddha Eating better....

What’s In YOUR Toothpaste?

What’s In YOUR Toothpaste?

The purpose of this article is informational only and should not be taken as personalized medical advice. The information provided here is based on research as well as my personal experiences as a...

Facing Challenges With Self Love

Facing Challenges With Self Love

The incident I’m about to describe is not pretty.  It is ugly in a lot of ways, raw and revealing and personal. But it’s real, and that’s what matters.  Yesterday, my vibes were just off,...

Getting Started With Essential Oils

Getting Started With Essential Oils

Holistic and natural remedies are quickly gaining popularity, so you may have seen essential oils in your local grocery store or pharmacy, or heard about using them as therapies to a variety of...

My Oily Journey

Okay.  So, those of you that have been following me for a while know that I really value living life mindfully, and that I consider clean living, eco-friendly living, and natural living...

It’s Okay to Lean on Each Other

What does having a healthy relationship look like? Any relationship—parent, child, teacher, spouse, coworker, friend, whatever? I’ll share with you what my husband reminded me of a few months ago....

Who Gets a Seat at Your Table?

I have found, as I gain experience day by day in life, that what happens to and for you is often the direct result of not only your mindset, but the mindset of those around you. It's much more...

Craving Change

I used to be afraid. As a child, I was told to be quiet, not to create any attention towards me, to be unseen. I was told that my job was to do well in school, and nothing else. Friends were...