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Coaching | Lifestyle

How to Start Making Decisions that Create Success in Every Aspect of Life

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Coaching, Lifestyle

Every day, you make countless decisions. What time you wake up. What to wear. What to eat. Do the kids need your help getting ready for school or not? Deciding if you’re late or on time. Which route to take to work or what to make for dinner. Do you work out now, or in the afternoon?

HOW we think about things is arguably more important than WHAT we think about. Because no matter what we’re deciding, the perspective from which we make those decisions greatly impacts what options we see as available to us, and ultimately determines whether the outcome is something we want.

If you’re making decisions from the perspective of your Inner Guards (thoughts originating from the lower brainstem), you’re thinking from one of many shades of fear–be it scarcity (not enough time, money, resources, etc), blame (of the situation, another person, or yourself), shame, anger, judgement, discontent, worry, anxiety, frustration…the list goes on.

Thinking this way isn’t “bad,” but it won’t get you desirable results in the long run, or sustainably, without causing relational damage. Ultimately, your well-being and relationships suffer. This is because of a universal law: energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be shifted. And your thoughts are energy. So if you’re thinking with the energy of scarcity or discontent, the only thing that can be created is more of the same–unless you shift. Over time, shifting your thoughts rewires the brain to see things from a perspective that serves you instead of drains you, and the more you do it, the easier and more automated it gets.

Creating awareness for HOW you’re thinking is a powerful first step in learning how to start making decisions differently, so you can create outcomes that you want.

The next time you’re in a situation you find undesirable, give yourself a moment to stop and ask yourself what your thoughts are. If they’re rooted in Guard energy, take stock. Give yourself space to process. See what other ways there might be to perceive the situation.

For more on how to shift, check out my book, “Connected: Discovering Your Inner Guides.”

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