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Coaching | Lifestyle | Parenting

How to Create a Gratitude Practice That Works for You

by | May 12, 2023 | Coaching, Lifestyle, Parenting

Last week, I shared why cultivating a gratitude practice is the fastest, most fool-proof way to ensure real happiness.  This week, I’m sharing how to cultivate an effective gratitude practice, so you can start building your brain’s “happiness muscle” and take yourself from busy, frustrated, or stuck to productive and deeply connected to the people and things you care most about in your life.

Pick a time of day you want to incorporate gratitude.
Morningtime is good because it sets you up for a great day ahead.  Before bed is also a good option, because it can help induce restful sleep, which enhances performance and well-being.  Mid-day can be great to help you avoid the “mid-afternoon slump.”  In short, anytime is a great time for gratitude.  Just make sure that you do it at the same time each day to increase your chances of making this a habit that sticks.

Do it daily.
Consistency is better than intensity (length/duration) in terms of creating meaningful results.

Stack it with another habit you already have in place, so you make sure it gets done.

  • Before you get out of bed each morning
  • While brushing your teeth
  • Before eating lunch
  • Coming home, before walking in the door or getting out of your car.
  • Right after you get in bed for the night

Make it quick.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths through your nose, and pick something for which you are genuinely grateful.  Soak up that feeling.  Allow your face to relax and permit the gratitude to wash over you.  You can even reflect on why you’re grateful,  Doing this can take as little as a minute.

If you’re looking to add a little “oomph” to your experience:
Reflect on why you’re grateful, journal about it, or verbally share it with your child, partner, pet…anyone!  Doing this with my kids has deepened our connection with each other, and fostered so much more compassion, empathy, and trust.

A few myth-busters about gratitude practices:

  • It doesn’t have to take long.
  • It can be easily incorporated into your day–so long as you really understand and see value in WHY you are choosing to do so.
  • It’s not “fluff.” The benefits of practicing gratitude daily include better sleep, improved relationships and performance, improved mental health, and decision-making that creates desired results and less stress.  These benefits are well-documented and scientifically proven.

Try this out for a week.  Reflect on what improvements you start to see in your life, no matter how seemingly small.  It’s the smallest shifts that create the biggest results over time.  

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