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The Simple, Fool-proof, Fastest Way to Be Happy

by | May 3, 2023 | Coaching, Lifestyle, Parenting, Yoga

Last week, I had the pleasure of giving a talk at the Society of Asian Science & Engineering Women’s Leadership Conference.  During the Q&A, I got asked:

How do I stop chasing happiness, and actually BE happy?

What an amazing question!  I gave a moderately lengthy answer in the session, but in reflection afterwards, I realized my answer could have been much simpler. 

The fastest, most effective, guaranteed path to happiness that is truly unshakable and lasting is to cultivate a strong practice of gratitude.

The short reason is this: Our brains are like magpies.  It creates experiences based on what we give it.  And, the brain is naturally wired to look for negatives.  AND, by retraining it to look for the positives,  we are able to change how we think, and as a result, what we do.   Once we start thinking and doing differently, the chasm between who we are and who we want to be becomes much smaller.  We begin to actualize our dreams, our happiness, and a life that is filled with deep purpose and joy.

There was a time in life where I would have dismissed the value of a gratitude practice outright. I would have said:

  • it’s too “woo woo” and “fluff.”
  • it takes too much time/I’m too busy
  • I can’t possibly remember to do that plus everything else I have going on.  

Now, after having learned and experienced all the things I have, I have done a complete turnaround.  Plus, it helps that there is so much science that backs this up.   “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor is a great book that shares evidence-based reasoning as to how and why a gratitude practice is critical to creating happiness, healthy, and therefore, our highest successes.  

Here’s HOW to start a gratitude practice , and if you’re up for it, here’s my challenge to you:

Find ONE thing each day for which you feel truly grateful.  Not something you “should” be grateful for, but one thing that gives you that wonderful, warm, beautiful sensation inside you that makes you smile with gratitude.

P.P.S. Ready to stop dreaming about the life you want to live, and start making it happen?  Book a session with me.  We’ll see if private coaching with me is the right thing for you, we’ll have fun, and there’s no obligation.  Oh, and you’ll walk away with something valuable that you can use immediately to start creating life-changing results as soon as you’re off the call.

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