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Coaching | Lifestyle | Parenting

The Thing I Stopped Doing to Feel More Fulfillment & Happiness as a Working Mom

by | Apr 25, 2023 | Coaching, Lifestyle, Parenting

I broke an addiction.  No, not to drugs, or alcohol, or sugar (Though ironically, I am a (former) dentist with a sweet tooth .🤭)


I stopped telling myself I was a victim to my circumstances.

I stopped allowing the default narrative in my head be the one I listened to.

I stopped seeing life through the lens of things happening “to” me, outside of me, or against me.

I stopped blaming “the system” (education, food, medicine, culture, you name it.)

Does that mean I now own full responsibility for everything that happens in life?  Absolutely NOT.  The “system” IS broken.  AND, I don’t have to be a victim of it.

Why is did I call this thought pattern an addiction?

Because that’s what is.  Your brain, over time, develops neural pathways that get stronger and stronger the more you use them, much like your OS pulls up recently viewed files or websites.  Neurons that fire together, wire together.  And just because they fire together, it doesn’t mean that those wires aren’t faulty.

Your body, in response to those thoughts, sends cascades of hormones systemically.  Over time, your body becomes accustomed to these dosages of hormones and how it feels–even if it doesn’t feel good or serve you on your path to greatness.  

This creates overwhelm, frustration, and stress, and, over time, dis-ease that turns into disease (hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary issues, autoimmune dysfunction.).  

Instead, I shifted to another belief–one that  actually serves me in my quest to be the best version of myself and create a meaningful impact in our world.  One that bathes me in healing, restorative hormones that allow for restoration and optimal function.  

In my private coaching conversations, I help my clients do the exact same thing.  Together, we create their own personalized success formula that will actually fuel and propel them towards creating the life of their dreams.  It’s so amazing to take them from being stuck in guilt and unfulfillment to empowered, focused, connected, and grounded in authenticity and sustainable happiness.

And, if you haven’t heard me say it on social, in this newsletter, or on the Happy & Human Podcast, I’ll say it here again:  Success doesn’t lead to happiness.  

Happiness leads to success.  To living a life you’d be jealous of.  To experiencing your wildest dreams.  

It’s called the Law of Being.

My challenge to you this week is to reflect on what the belief is that’s running in your head most often, and how it’s affecting you in life.  And, I’d love to hear what it is.  You can DM me on Instagram or email me at hello@drseemadesai.com

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